Every teacher has a dream to reach the students within their classroom. Few are able to reach the full potential of what has been placed within their hearts to do because of finance or other setbacks. At Blissfield Community Schools we are fortunate to have a community that strides after excellence and supports teachers to help reach their goals. The Blissfield Foundation for Educational Excellence has been a catalyst to challenge teachers to go after their dreams and make an impact on the life of their students. Without the financial support of the Blissfield Foundation the BELL lab would not have been possible. A big thank you needs to be given to the present and past members of the foundation and the administration for their support of the Blissfield Environmental Life Lab. Check out the BFFEE's web site at: http://www.blissfieldschools.us/district/foundation/
Blissfield Rotary was the first organization the BFEE contacted and they were the first to contribute to the BELL project. They rallied to see other funds secured. Thank you Blissfield Rotary!
Blissfield also has a very supportive PTO that has been very instrumental to the development and maintenance of the BELL. Feed, bedding, pumps, special projects, new animals and cages along with a long list of little things to keep the BELL operating is provided by the PTO, Along with the students of Blissfield Elementary, the school staff would like to say thank you PTO members and parents for not only your part in providing funds for the BELL, but all the little things that are purchased by your organization here at the school.
Other thank you goes to the following:
- Blissfield Lion’s Club
- Blissfield Kiwanis Club
- Blissfield Main Street
- Giles Foundation
- The students of Blissfield Elementary
- Visteon of Ypsilanti
- MEEMIC Foundation
- Adrian Mall Mini Grant
- Meijers of Adrian
- Lourdes's College Life Lab, Sylvania, Ohio
- Lowes of Adrian
- Knapp Motors of Blissfield
- Gifted and Talented Fund
- Blissfield Garden Club
- Wilber-Ellis of Blissfield
Great Lakes Ethanol of Blissfield
Green Panel
Comfort First-Energy Consultants
Great Lakes Alternative Energy
The Village of Blissfield, Michigan
Robin Hawkins, Greyhawk Greenhouses
Association of Michigan School Boards
Midwest Energy Cooperative for the Strengthening Schools Grant
- Numerous local businesses, organizations, and individuals
- And many anonymous donations.