Dear Parent or Guardian,
The purpose in providing computers, computing software and Internet accessibility at Blissfield High School is to facilitate the achievement of curricular goals - particularly information gathering, problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills. Because of the great expense and demand on computer resources at Blissfield High School, students are expected to treat the equipment with utmost care. The need to share access to computing resources with others also must be recognized. Your child will receive an account on the school's computer network. With this educational opportunity comes the responsibility to use the system in a productive and ethical manner. When your child receives an account number and password, it is extremely important that she/he abide by the enclosed agreement which is to be signed by both you and your child. Any inappropriate use of the District’s computer equipment or networks will result in the loss of privileges and possibly disciplinary action as well. Since you are legally responsible for your son/daughter's actions, you may wish to stress the importance of using only his/her own account number and password and the necessity of guarding against its use by others. Under no circumstances should anyone else be given the information to access your child's account.
Since Internet resources exist in a fluid environment in which information is unregulated and constantly changing, the district cannot always lend its endorsement of contents found there. In an effort to manage appropriate Internet use by our staff and students, the Blissfield Community School District has installed tight security measures within our network. These security devices prevent Internet users from accessing inappropriate web sites. Although no security measure is perfect, we are confident that our strategy will prohibit access to sites the District does not endorse so long as users follow the rules prescribed in our Acceptable Use Policy.
Along with offering 1:1 devices and internet access, Blissfield Community Schools also offers virtual courses for students to take, typically for electives and credit recovery. These courses are available for all students. By signing the registration checklist you acknowledge your student's opportunity to take online courses and recognize the responsibility that comes along with that privilege.
After you have read and discussed the agreement with your child, please sign and return it to the school as soon as possible. Any forms not received by the end of the second week of school will result in the withholding of computer privileges until the signed agreement is returned.
For a printable copy of the Acceptable Use Policy signature sheet click here.
If you have further questions regarding computer use, please contact me at 486-2148.
Michael Bader